Shafer Parker

HomeShafer Parker

Shafer Parker – Bible teacher, Board Member: Faith Beyond Belief 

Shafer brings 39 years of pastoral experience to his Bible teaching ministry, having served churches in Canada and the U.S. He has an M.Div. from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary and has done the course work toward a D.Min. in Applied Theology with Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Shafer also spent seven years as a professional journalist and editor.

Shafer has been married to Jeanne Hood Parker for 47 years. Together they are parents of two sons who have blessed them withseven grandchildren.

Shafer has spoken at a wide variety of events and has taught at seminaries in Russia, Ukraine, and Cameroon. He speaks on a wide variety of topics, giving an apologetics and worldview-related connection to each.
